Land Claim

The Triumvirate uses the Lands plugin for grief protection and land management. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to use this plugin and manage your faction's territory. For a complete list of commands use /mf help

Faction Info

Joining a Faction

If you aren't in a faction, your stuff won't be protected!

Creating a Faction

If you would rather create your own faction or go at it alone use /lands create [faction name]

Claiming Land

Only officers and owners of factions can claim land, and only owners can toggle autoclaim. Land is claimed by chunks, not individual blocks.


Players in different factions are only able to hurt each other when their factions are at war or they are factionless.


Locks only work on claimed land, so if the land is unclaimed or conquered, locks will also be removed.


Factions can be allied with one another. Allies can't declare war on each other. When someone declares war on a faction, all of the allies of that faction declare war back.


Factions can vassalize other factions.