

In-Game Name: Narclim

Discord Name: Narclim

Join Date: July 15th, 2022

Faction: The Mafia, The Barren Confederacy, Equitaria, Space Mafia

Season 3

Narclim joined the server to help with a mafia build project. They mined over 200k blocks of cobblestone (this was before trench). Narclim created a server maze by spawn, that not one person was ever able to beat. They eventually became the Vice leader of the Mafia and helped new players as they joined the faction. Narclim fought off fich dich when they started ambushing the Mafia. Many of these battles were fought in Chrome valley or in their maze.

Season 4

Narclim started as an officer of the TBC. Striving to be the strongest player and to make our faction the strongest. Narclim was appointed head general and later promoted to TBC leader. Once ae enchants were added they quickly maxed their armor. Narclim fought in many wars against The Austere and KEF. Narclim was inactive most of the TBC vs KEF vs Bandits era. While becoming more active for the end of S4 and fought in the final battle against KEF. Then when we had one final TBC battle against ourselves in the arena Narclim tied with Casualbro in a fight that lasted like half an hour.

Season 5

Narclim was a member of Equitaria. While not being super involved in S5. They mainly focused on grinding up their gear in the diamond bases economy. Narclim focused more on building this season. While they weren't directly involved in any pvp or fights, they were in the anti-Rome alliance.

Season 6

During s6 Narclim rejoins the Mafia as they are returning to the server. This is the first faction Naclim was in when joining the server. This season Narclim has been focused on stockpiling and supplying gear to their faction, mainly ae enchants. Currently, they spend their time defending the Mafia against the anti-mafia alliance. A group who will stop at nothing to remove the mafia from the server. Thankfully the skill and gear gap between us is large enough that we are in no danger despite their numbers.